Tag: Lebanon


Making UPR Process an Effective Mechanism to Break Barriers for Ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2018)

Donors and partners: Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights- OHCHR and the European Union  Objective: To pressure for breaking the barriers for ratifying...

Women/ Girls ICT and Skills Empowerment in Remote Areas (2018)

Donor: MIC2 (touch) - Lebanon Objective: Empowering young girls and women in two Lebanese rural areas (Bekaa-West and Akkar-North) and giving them a chance to...

HerStory (2018- 2019)

Donors and partners: UN Women and Her Story Global Campaign Objective: “HerStory” Campaign honors the women who have shaped humanity and history in all fields....

Rootslab (2019)

Donors and partners: FRIDA| The Young Feminist Fund, Global Fund for Women, Oxfam and the Young Foundation Objective: Adaptation of a potentially game-changing approach-a social...

Progress Report 2018-2019

→Read on Issuu This report summarizes Fe-Male’s work and achievements during the years 2018- 2019. Year of Production: 2020 → Download PDF File Available in English Full Text...

Progress Report 2012-2017

→Read on Issuu This report summarizes Fe-Male’s work and achievements during the first five years of its establishment 2012-2017. Year of Production: 2017 Report available in English →...

Fe-Male Monitors and Takes Actions- Prime Time TV Show Pitfall

On April 2, 2020 and during this crucial time of the global health crisis, the Coronavirus Pandemic, the famous Lebanese comedian, Wissam Saad, also...

Raising Awareness on Fighting Gender-Based and Sexual Violence (2015- 2016)

Donors and partners: Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering-RDFL and IM- Individuell Människohjälp Objective: In 2015, Fe-Male, contributed to implementing a project titled “Empowering Women Victims of...

Women of Lebanon and Revolution

Photo Credit: Marwan Tahtah "To all artist out there, Fe-Male is pleased to launch an art competition titled "Women of Lebanon and Revolution" within...

Fe-Male establishes a youth network within “My Fair Home” campaign

Youth are always at the heart of any change in any generation! Ever since Fe-Male established a partnership with The International Labor Organization-ILO within...

Fe-Male in the Front-lines of the Lebanese Revolution

Since its establishment, Fe-Male has always strived to strengthen the feminist movement, advance women’s rights, spread the demands and voice of every woman and...

“Holidays Away from Home” storytelling event

We chose to celebrate the migrant domestic workers differently during the year 2020. We wanted to listen, to give them a safe space to...