Solidarity Beyond Borders: FEMALE at CSW68


The 68th Annual Conference on the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) held from March 11 to 22, 2024, in New York City, under the priority theme, “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective” served as a crucial forum for international dialogue, bringing together a wide spectrum of activists, academics, and supporters united in their commitment to promote gender equality and women’s rights. Among the myriad of voices and initiatives represented, FEMALE’s presence at CSW68, For the fourth consecutive time stood out for its unwavering commitment to amplifying feminist voices and driving tangible change on a global scale.



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At CSW68, FEMALE participated in various sessions and events aimed at fostering dialogue, raising awareness, and driving tangible change. One noteworthy session was “Dreaming Big: A Feminist Lens on Future Economies” organized by Oxfam International, where FEMALE initiated a thought-provoking discussion exploring the transformative potential of feminist funding for women and girls. Ghewa Nasr, FEMALE’s Program Coordinator, delved during the session into the implications of feminist financing and advocated for a future characterized by equity and inclusivity. Ghewa also highlighted the enduring impact of colonial power in the global south with a special focus on Lebanon and Palestine, advocating for a more inclusive and just world.


Another key engagement was a critical dialogue with Marci Len, the Minister of Women and Gender Equality in Canada. FEMALE seized the opportunity to address global challenges facing the feminist movement, emphasizing the urgency of confronting systemic injustices, particularly in conflict-ridden areas like Gaza. Ghewa emphasized as well the emerging SRHR needs of women and marginalized groups in Lebanon and the region amid the ongoing crisis, highlighting the work FEMALE and partners are implementing in this domain through Masarouna project.


Additionally, FEMALE participated in a session organized by the International Network to End Violence Against Women and Girls titled “Women and Girls in the Global South Speak Up”, focusing on addressing the profound impact of colonialism on women and girls and feminist activism. Ghewa and Zahraa contributed insights, shedding light on the dire situation in Gaza and the double standards pervading efforts to address the crisis, in addition to the current violations of women’s protection and rights including their sexual and reproductive rights.


A noteworthy addition to FEMALE’s agenda was the session introducing the “Loss and Damage Gender Responsive Fund for Climate Justice” by Rose Academies. The session introduced The Loss and Damage Gender Responsive Fund for Climate Justice, a financial mechanism aimed at addressing the disproportionate impacts of climate change on women and girls, particularly in vulnerable communities. This fund provides resources to support initiatives that focus on addressing loss and damage caused by climate-related events in a gender-responsive manner. It aims to ensure that interventions and adaptation measures take into account the specific needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of women and girls, thereby promoting gender equality and empowering them to cope with the adverse effects of climate change, including the effect on their bodies and sexual and reproductive health.


Furthermore, FEMALE attended a session with DIVA (Diverse Voices and Action for Equality) titled “Gender, Poverty, and Economic Justice.” This session provided valuable insights into the intersectionality of gender, poverty, and economic justice, stressing the need for comprehensive strategies to tackle systemic inequalities.

FEMALE also took part in a session focused on radical joy for young feminist activists, emphasizing holistic approaches to well-being. Hosted by UNICEF, discussions highlighted the integral role of physical and mental well-being in sustaining the activism of young feminists. The session underscored the importance of self-care, resilience, and community support in fostering radical joy amidst the challenges of advocacy work.

Additionally, FEMALE showcased its activities at CSW68, including promoting its work alongside other partners in the region within Masarouna project, and advocated for feminist funding by taking over Oxfam International’s Instagram page. The organization also had a productive meeting with the Oxfam International team, furthering collaboration efforts to advance gender equality initiatives.


Beyond panel discussions and dialogues, FEMALE demonstrated its commitment to activism by participating in a March outside the UN Building in support of the Palestinian people facing genocide. This display of solidarity underscored FEMALE’s dedication that Palestine is a Feminist Issue.

In every session, in every dialogue, FEMALE has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to dismantling patriarchal structures and amplifying the voices of the marginalized. We have fought tirelessly for the rights of women and girls, recognizing that our liberation is intertwined with theirs. But our work is far from over. As we return to our communities, we carry with us the fire ignited at CSW68—a fire fueled by radical joy, unyielding determination, and boundless solidarity.

We will continue to march onward, unapologetically feminist, and fiercely determined.



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