A Feminist Manifesto- Anti-Colonialism Is A Feminist Issue

We, the undersigned feminist groups and institutions, express our solidarity with Palestinian
resistance in all its forms and stand firmly against injustice and colonization. As feminists
within these groups and institutions, we, like millions of women in the region, reject any
stigmatisation or scepticism of this resistance as anything other than an anticolonial
liberation struggle, one that will only conclude with the liberation and restoration of
the historical land of Palestine and all bodies oppressed under the military and structural
despotism of Western settler colonialism in Palestine.

We view feminism as both a liberatory thought and a practice that combats injustice and
oppression, primarily seeking to enforce justice and dismantle power imbalances. Palestinian
resistance in all its forms represents a legitimate practice for confronting a ruthless colonial
system that has abused and denied the lives of millions for decades. We commend it
and see it as an integral part of our struggle for a just world.

Colonial and liberal discourses attempt to construct a single model of feminism: the
feminism of the white bodies in the metropoles (Europe and North America). It is a form
of feminism constricted to a so-called “human rights” framework created by colonial
powers and employed in the sustenance of their interests. Liberal feminism is puzzled
by any departure from this model and strives to negate and erase it. Consequently, our
feminism faces disparagement and scepticism because it supports liberatory practices
that challenge and threaten existing colonial and patriarchal systems at once; the
armed resistance of the Palestinian people is one of those saluted practices.

Liberal/White feminism inattentions the oppressed in the Global South and acts
patronisingly, through conditioned funding at times and militarised oppression at
others. Liberal/white feminism claims to rescue select categories of women and individuals
from their societies. It repeatedly attempts to strip us of the intersectional foundations
of our intellectual selves. The collective armed struggle is an indomitable path
towards the liberation of land and body from colonialism and its occupation.

We refuse anyone’s attempt at denying or questioning our feminism or any feminism
that declares its support of a resistance linked to religious parties. We reject being
pigeonholed into these simplistic dichotomies. Our feminism has taught us to understand
the contradictions in which we live and to act accordingly. We decide our battles and
contradictions. Our struggle against Israeli colonisation is inseparable from the freedom
and security of the entire region’s people. Our feminism has taught us to understand
our positions, map our alliances, and amplify the voices of the marginalised without
dictations or conditions.

We, the undersigned feminist institutions, journals, and groups, call on all our allies in
the struggle for justice to unequivocally stand behind all forms of Palestinian resistance.
Let us not succumb to the narratives of liberal and white feminists, but rather support
the Palestinian people and their resistance through all available means. You can share
this statement and reach out to us to add your voice to ours.

Sharika Wa Laken
Feminist Consciousness Revolution
Aswat Nissa
Iraqi Women Network
JÎN Women Association
Kohl Journal
Kyp community
Namaa Women For Culture Development
Marche mondiale des femmes – Liban
The Sex Talk Arabic
نساء شرق السودان
NOUN Solidarity Rural Feminists
Jawaher Ibrahim Muhammad
Kamelia Asma Al-Khadami
Mouzayan Zahida
Dr. Asmaa Hassan Al-Toum
Haneen Ahmed
Reem Khashman
Hanaya Al-Nuhaas
Aisha Khalil Abdullah
Intilaq Muhammad Ghayd al-Malik
Laila Khaled Ahmed Ayad
Rasha Khalifa
Dina Batshoon
Rahma Aidoudi
Maryam Bouatour
Fathia Chaari
Dada azouz
Hala Ahed
Olfa Khaled
Israa Abdel Fattah
Enas Al-Talili
Hazar Obaidi
Hened Hamadeh
Dareen Alkayyal
Mahasin Mudalah
Safana Abu Safia
Khadija Jouda
Salima Ishaq Al-Khalifa
Howeida Daud
Lana Bandak
Ghina Bashir Itani
Bayan Qadir Rasool
Sanaa Taher Ali Abu Awad
Aahed Al-Sabani
Nadine Bani Yassin
Hossam Shehadeh
Thuwaybah Hashem Jallad
Bayan Omar Attiyat
A Zahiya Faraj Aly
Sarah Ahmed Hashim
Kenza Sefrioui
Tamara Al-Tibi
GAFM.1 Group d’action feministe Maroc
Basmat amal
Noon movement for women
École féministe Lina Ben Mhenni
PWHO Women’s Humanities organisation
مبادرة سمراويات من أجل الوطن
Seen for Gender and Sexual Equity
Cairo Foundation of Development & Law
منظمة إعلاميون من اجل الاطفال
Omar Khatib
Rama Sabanekh
Mackenzie Poust
Amira Yaakoubi
Nour Sheikh
Mahienour El Masry
Amal Yaqoubi
Balqis Mohseni
Sonia Bin Yahmed
Sabriya Al-Quraikha
Banan Suad Abuzaineddin

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